This guide is designed to help you successfully manage the configuration process, ensuring that all aspects of ServiceNow integration are seamlessly incorporated into EVERTRUST Horizon.
Knowing that EVERTRUST Horizon simplifies Certificate Lifecycle Management (CLM) with adaptable workflows for various devices. It integrates seamlessly into existing IT systems, automating tasks, reducing manual intervention and minimizing disruptions enhancing efficiency and accuracy in the management of certificates. Through comprehensive workflows and machine identity management tools, EVERTRUST Horizon ensures smooth integration, efficient lifecycle processing, and enhanced data security measures, including S/MIME certificate management for email encryption.
EVERTRUST Horizon simplifies Certificate Lifecycle Management (CLM) with adaptable workflows for various devices, integrating smoothly into existing IT systems. It automates tasks, minimizing disruptions and reducing manual intervention, which enhances both efficiency and accuracy in certificate management.
Additionally, ServiceNow facilitates continuous communication with the support team and allows you to be up to date on the expiration dates of the certificates.
Before immersing into de process of Configure ServiceNow Application components on EVERTRUST Horizon it’s essential to ensure that you have the necessary configuration objects:
A login password credential that holds a ServiceNow account with sufficient rights
A profile that service now will enroll on:
It must contain a label to hold the service now request ID
A Horizon Local account for ServiceNow
Then, once ServiceNow is configured, the following REST notifications must be created:
Configure ServceNow Application components on HorizonFinally, configuring the ServiceNow application components in EVERTRUST Horizon will help to properly manage the lifecycle of certificates and improve overall functionality as well as avoid potential errors in the long-term management of certificates in your EVERTRUST Horizon environment.